There are at least 3 spellings of this
mountain! Collargayos, Cuyargayos
and Peña Argayos. However you choose to spell it this route
makes an excellent outing from Soto de Agues.
There is some
scrambling at the top that can be avoided.
The route in
principle is waymarked, but at times this may not be clear.
Distance: 14.6
Total ascent: 950
Duration: 5 hours 45 minutes
Maps: Parque Natural de Redes (1:40,000)
IGN 54 (14-05) Rioseco (1:50,000)
Route: PR.AS-163 Ruta del Cuyargayos
1. Walking from Soto de Agues where there is a large
visitor's car park, cross the arched bridge over the Alba river and walk to the
church of San Andres with its prominent spire.
2. Carry
on and cross another bridge to the village of Agues.
3. Walk through Agues, and after
400 metres, turn right across a bridge over the Nozalin river. NB: Paint
marks here lead you on to Ladines, but they are not reliable.
4. Follow the vehicle track with
occasional paint marks, into the Nozalin gorge, with the river on the left.
5. Cross the river to the left
hand side, follow the river on the left for 1 kilometre.
6. Cross back over the stream to
the right hand side.
7. On the right hand side here is
a concrete track going steeply up to the Fresnos col. This is an alternative route over to the Alba
valley and back to Soto de Agues.
8. Cross the stream again and
zig-zag up the track following paint marks, up to Feleches where there are
cabins and a water trough for cattle.
9. Follow the track uphill in a South-Easterly
direction to a broad grassy col with a signpost marked “PR.AS-60”, although the
route is 63, at about 1200 metres.
10. Turn left to reach a rocky
outcrop, if you have gone more to the East you may reach this first.
11. Follow the track with some
paint marks below the summit of La Mezquita (1316m) to the Collada Mezquita,
where there is a sign pointing back indicating “Rio Nozalin” and PR.AS-63.
12. If you wish to avoid some
easy scrambling (using hands) then turn down here on the right and follow the
path below the ridge. The PR.AS-163 path in fact avoids the Summit for
this reason.
13. To reach the summit of
Collargayos (1391m), follow the track upwards and admire views to the
Cantabrian Sea and the Picos de Europa.
14. Then scramble along the
ridge, with the main path below on the right and beech woods on the left,
reaching a good viewpoint which is signposted “Vista Pintoresca”, where the
main path rejoins.
15. Pass a prominent cave
on the right, descend through beech woods to a crest overlooking the Nalón
valley on the right.
16. Head up to a gate with
painted waymarks.
17. Cross an open area passing 2
trees with paint marks, looking out for other paint marks (new in 2009).
18. Arrive at the top of a
concrete track, follow this downhill.
19. At a track junction turn
right and follow the track downhill past solar panels.
20. At a junction of 2 tracks
turn LEFT.
21 At a junction of 3 tracks
head DOWNHILL and follow a concrete track for about 850 metres to a water pumping
22. Then enter the village of
Ladines at a house called “El Fontan”.
23. In Ladines there is the Bar
La Plaza and a car park, you could arrange transport from here if you prefer.
There are also signs to Miel y Licores Vayú, honey and liquers.
24. From the church head downhill
to a viewpoint at the edge of the village.
25. Follow a road South passing a
house called “La Llascara”, and in about 150 metres and before reaching the
house at the end of this road, turn right to join a woodland path
looking for paint marks in white and yellow.
26. Cross a stream.
27. Continue through the woodland
and turn right at a track junction.
28. Follow paint marks downhill
through woods, reaching the bridge crossing over the Nozalin river near Agues,
which you crossed at the start of the walk.
29. Carry on through Agues,
across the arched bridge, and pack to the car park.
Here is a map of the route based on a GPS track.
View Collargayos (1391m) from Soto de Agues in a larger map